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Static Files

Prologue supports serving static files.

Send static file Response

You can use staticFileResponse to make a static file response.

proc home(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  await ctx.staticFileResponse("hello.html", "")

Download files

User maybe want to download some files from the server. You can use staticFileResponse to send the file to be downloaded.

proc downloadFile(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  await ctx.staticFileResponse("index.html", "static", downloadName = "download.html")

Serve static files

staticfile is implemented as middleware. It should be imported first. You can specify the path of static directories. staticDirs is of varargs[string] type. It contains all the directories of static files which will be checked in every request.

import prologue
import prologue/middlewares/staticfile

var app = newApp(settings = settings)
# add your routes

Multiple directories:

import prologue
import prologue/middlewares/staticfile

var app = newApp(settings = settings)
app.use(staticFileMiddleware("public", "templates"))
# Or seq[string]
# app.use(staticFileMiddleware(@["public", "templates"]))
# Or array[N, string]
# app.use(staticFileMiddleware(["public", "templates"]))
app.addRoute(urls.urlPatterns, "")

Serving Favicon

You may want to add an icon for your website, you can use a favicon. The browser maybe request /favicon.ico to find an icon. redirctTo is handy for this work. dest is the real path of a favicon. For example, you can put it under static directory.

import prologue
from prologue/middlewares/staticfile import redirectTo

var app = newApp()
app.get("/favicon.ico", redirectTo("/static/favicon.ico"))